Black Lives Matter apparel banned at Tokyo Olympics; petition calls for cancellation of games

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has taken a decision to ban Black Lives Matter apparel at Tokyo Olympics

The IOC says a survey conducted found that the majority of competitors were in support of the ban, according to BuzzCaribbean.

The IOC said it surveyed more than 3,500 athletes over the past year and that 70% said it was “not appropriate to demonstrate or express their views” on the field of play or at the opening or closing ceremony.

This means raising a fist on the podium or taking a knee would still risk punishment at the Tokyo Games this year.

The IOC also said that slogans such as “Black Lives Matter” will not be allowed on athlete apparel at Olympic venues, though it approved using the words “peace,” “respect,” “solidarity,” “inclusion” and “equality” on T-shirts.

The IOC says any instance of breaking the rules will be evaluated by an athlete’s respective National Olympic Committee, International Federation and the IOC, and disciplinary action will be taken on a case-by-case basis as necessary.

Meanwhile, an online petition calling for the Tokyo Olympics to be cancelled has gained tens of thousands of signatures since being launched in Japan only days ago.

The games were originally scheduled to start in July 2020, but were postponed to July 2021 due to Covid-19 fears.

The IOC has said that they would not delay the Games beyond 2021′

The petition, started by a Tokyo lawyer, has attracted more than 150,000 signatures.

The rollout of the petition comes with Tokyo, Osaka and several other areas under a state of emergency with coronavirus – particularly new variants.

The state of emergency is to expire on May 11, but some reports in Japan say it is likely to be extended.

The petition is addressed to International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach, who has tentative plans to visit Japan later this month.

The postponed Olympics are to open in just under three months, on July 23.

Although 70 to 80 per cent of Japanese citizens in polls say they want the Olympics cancelled or postponed, there is no indication this will happen.

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, Tokyo organising committee president Seiko Hashimoto, and Bach have repeatedly said the games will go on as scheduled.

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  1. Sneak One In
    May 13, 2021

    Seems they’re wil be lots at the games. Will they be vending the T’s so that ticket holders can purchase?

  2. J.John-Charles
    May 11, 2021

    ADMIN…Sorry, we heard them with our ears and saw their actions live and direct on our TV screens. We are not referring to those who are innocently follow them, because the three words sound nice, not knowing their real existence. Black Lives Matter is rotten to the core. So please, spare us.

    • Bible boy
      May 12, 2021

      It’s a 2- headed snake, I don’t like Democrats either but they are the lesser of the 2 evils. Shhhhh be quiet, the Republican governors are busy enacting Jim crow laws of 56 yrs ago to see “if” they win the next election squandered by your boyy thru racism. Some are exploring requiring big to mid size businesses to set up separate bathrooms for blacks and whites. Be quiet for a while.

  3. Roger Burnett
    May 11, 2021

    Messages on apparel, typically tee shirts, can be considered a form of symbolism. Like the pen, symbolism can be mightier than the sword. It is however a relatively peaceful way of drawing attention to a cause.

    Last year I attempted to bring this home by way of a DNO commentary titled “Sculptural Symbolism” (not published) when protestors toppled a statue of Edward Colston, a merchant and slave trader, from its plinth and dumped it in Bristol Harbour. A statue depicting one of the protesters was, without permission, put in its place and was subsequently removed by the authorities.

    The protest was effective and no one was hurt – other than a bronze statue that suffered a few bruises.

    By forbidding peaceful means of protest there is the risk of inciting more violent means. This is what I had in mind when I stated the decision by the International Olympic Committee to be counterproductive.

    ADMIN: You can following this link to read more on BLM protest in Bristol Harbour:

  4. J.John-Charles
    May 10, 2021

    During the riots last summer.A black lady was on TV saying, she and her sister invested in a little salon.It took years struggling.Thank God, they just started to breathe a little fresh air. “Here comes BLM and others in town.Burned down their little business, and turned it into ashes.They say, they are seeking justice for George Floyd”
    This is the legacy of BLM.
    This so-called black organisation have received millions of dollars.Presently an investigation is on the way, re the funds received.

    • Ibo France
      May 10, 2021

      Only someone of your caliber would think and regurgitate this slime. It really shows how shallow minded you are.

      During the protests some anarchists that had nothing to do with the majority of peaceful BLM protesters caused mayhem. But as usual, simpletons blamed BLM .

      Your statements clearly reveal that of an unthinking, easily misled…..

  5. Magway ca
    May 10, 2021

    Is about time someone stand up to those hooligans BLM is no longer about helping black people. It’s literally a home terrorist group. Just like the KKK and Antifa. The olympics is not the place to come and broadcast your racial division ethos. We came to watch athletes compete not to hear a spiel about how black people are making themselves out to be terrorised by whites when they are the ones doing the terrorising . And for all those that don’t believe me talk to a blm surporter about black on black crime and black on white crime and see how fast they start calling you a racist

    • Fact Check
      May 10, 2021

      It was never about helping black people. It was always a political tool taking advantage of the unsubstantiated claim that black people are unfairly treated by police. Black Lives Matter protests and movements spike up before elections and then quietly die down after like clockwork.

      • Check this
        May 11, 2021

        Good, as long as you all lost the election, having squandered a presidency due to racism.

  6. Nkrumah Kwame
    May 9, 2021

    Doesn’t surprise me at all!! What harm can such a stand cause? Yet for those who our forefathers kicked out though the front door, we have a ten fold number of present day “sell outs” willing to accommodate them through the back door!

  7. Roger Burnett
    May 8, 2021

    I consider the International Olympic Committee’s decision to be unfortunate and counterproductive.

    I assume that competitors will be allowed to wear a cross that speaks of the crucifixion of Jesus.

    • J.John-Charles
      May 9, 2021

      As a believer in Christ,I don’t believe black lives are less important than whites (Caucasians). Neither do I believe black lives are more important than whites. According to the Sunday School song, “All are precious in His sight.Jesus loves the children of the world.”
      BLM becomes a political slur.One of the co-founder P. Khan Cullors said, she is a trained marxist. And if you read their manifesto, it have little to do with uplifting the black people, but destroying it.Although They erased some of them.But, a rat is a rat.
      That same woman I mentioned before.She used the blacks to become a millionaire. She invested millions of $ in expensive houses, and that, in white communities. She is just another Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.
      Hundreds of blacks are being murdered by blacks.Can you recalled a rally organized by the BLM against these senseless killings? Or it only matter when it is done by a white police?

      • Bible boy
        May 10, 2021

        Sorry ViewsExpressed, ..I mean JJ Chanel 1. Your jesus is pure fake. I notice ur love for the kkk and trump seems to be waning since you are beginning to soften your stance a bit. If Blacks were the ones doing the oppression then we’d be having the conversation. But for now white lives only matter to their white supremacist police, so enjoy your bloated privilege with them for a while till they get to you, then you’ll find out how much of a negro you are (and I know exactly when to use the term). The poor whites are sticking with their kind rain or shine. It’s now raining.

  8. Channel 1
    May 8, 2021

    I totally agree with the Tokyo Olympics decision. This Black Lives Matter movement only seems to mysteriously appear when a white police officer kills a black person in the US. You don’t see Black Lives Matter when black men are killing black men in the US eg Chicago as if it is a sport competition, you don’t see Black Lives Matter when a black police officer in the Caribbean or the US brutalize black people…..nothing.

    It’s a pity the gullible and the sheeple in the Caribbean actually believe in that utter nonsense US group called Black Lives Matter

    It is such a pity to see that the West Indies cricket team got duped into having Black Lives Matter insignia printed on their test shirts collar.

    Where are those attention-seeking, follow-fashion people in the Caribbean that was protesting George Floyd death? Why are they loudly silent in the face of constant black on black violence in the Caribbean?

    Give me a break with the hypocrisy.

    ALL LIVES MATTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Ibo France
    May 8, 2021

    So much for Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Expression. What is so offensive to wear an apparel stating Black Lives Matter. Does this innocuous statement promote violence? Does it espouse racism, sexism or anything vile?

    No matter how peaceful and non-offensive means that Black People use in order to be treated with dignity like most other races and ethnicities, we are met with stubborn opposition/resistance and insurmountable hurdles are placed in our path.

    Even though we are not a monolithic group of people, all Black athletes should demand a reversal of this ban or boycott the games. Let’s see how exciting the 2021 Olympics will be.

    Black Lives Matter Too!

    • Viewsexpressed
      May 9, 2021

      IBO, we openly respectfully support your comments and suggestions for the openly Concept to recognise and respect this comment of decency and respect for all Peoples of our world. Be they white, Carib Indians, ingenuous people, Be we are Black, White, Indians, Africans, Female, Male etc. The world is our world Not to be fighting at with each irrespective of Colour, nationality, Male, Female, etc. We are all Human Beings under or Blessed 🙏 God. Amen.
      Due to Slavery and the obvious Abuse and indiscrimination of People if different races and Nationalities when Biologically we are all humane with all the physical traits irrespective of Colour, nationality, Professionally in academic thoughts, religious, atheist etc..etc. Let’s all honour and appreciate all of our Peoples’ with the honour of differences in culture, talent, academic, religious atheist etc. We are all beautiful Peoples’ in this world God🙏has created for us. Honour thy Mother and Father and be good Parents. Amen. Love…

      • Ibo France
        May 10, 2021

        Agree with you. Our different cultures, ethnicity, diverse backgrounds and experiences make our lives richer.

        Christopher Columbus and the other white Europeans of his era called every set of indigenous people in the New World Indians. The Crib Indians, the Arawak Indians, the Maya Indians, the Aztec Indians, even the Aborigines of Australia Aborigine Indians.

        They were no Indians. Indians lived in India. We have to stop referring to these people as Indians.

        • Bible boy
          May 10, 2021

          Ibo, I think you will now be on the sh*t list of ‘Chanel1 JJ ViewsExpressed’ for telling truth about Columbus. You are causing him/her to read or research. You see, in his murderous quest to deceive his queen and superiors at the Vatican while he destroyed those people, he commanded his mercenaries to lie or die and say they discovered a continent, India, when it was only Hispaniola. His pal or brother Batho deLas Casas I think, wrote that they met about 1 million Indians there; when he returned 10yrs later there were only 60k remaining. It was a slaughter. The Vatican agreed, bring in the Africans. :twisted:

        • Toto
          May 10, 2021

          Ibo you right man. Columbus made a mistake. He thought he discover another way to India going west instead of east. Well he did not have satnav poor man, did he.

          • Nothing new
            May 12, 2021

            Yes he did have satnav, it was Blacks he enslaved/tortured who knew and had already sailed there. And they did meet Africans (documented) on the other side.

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    • Pipo
      May 10, 2021

      Ibo, it does matter. One of the key values of the Olympics is equality, meaning all participants from all corners of the world are equal and the best shall win, regardless of the colour of their skin, origin or social background. To highlight black people as something special or different defeats this entirely. We are equal brother and the Olympics makes this clear like nowhere else. Remember Jesse Owens triumph in Nazi time Berlin. That was a triumph for mankind brother, as it should be. Enough said.

      • Ibo France
        May 10, 2021

        This is more and bigger than the Olympics. Probably I expressed myself in an inarticulate way so my comments were misconstrued.

        I’m not, in anyway, shape or form advocating for special treatment for Black People. All I was trying to convey is that BLACKS worldwide are being mistreated, subjugated, discriminated against so we have the inalienable right to bring this to the fore at the Olympics or anywhere else.

        Hope this statement has brought some clarity.

      • Gone are the days
        May 10, 2021

        Ibo is on point. This person just wants to stop Ibo from standing up for rights. We have endured from our own kind.

    • BLM BTFO
      May 10, 2021

      The Olympics will be VERY exciting without this political garbage that is BLM. I don’t think there will be that many athletes that forego their participation for something that is basically a FAD for some and an excuse to riot and cause violence for others. All those diehard supporters of BLM are free to boycott the Olympics. I am sure athletes from other countries will be more than happy to take their spot

  10. Waiting For Airport
    May 8, 2021

    Our governments welcome them with open arms, give them concessions and even prioritize them over the locals.

    Their governments in return make it clear that our life doesn’t matter to them.

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