PWC gets deadline to create business plan


The Public Works Corporation (PWC) has been given a deadline to create a business plan that will improve its operations the government has said

PWC must finalize the plan by December 15 2011.

Speaking at a press conference Thursday, Minister for Public Works Rayburn Blackmoore said he has ordered that the plan must show how the company can be transformed into a viable entity.

Employees have been protesting against late salary payments and insufficient work opportunities and the PWC Board has vowed to address the matter by month-end.

However Blackmoore said, “The Public Works Corporation, by law, should be self sufficient,” and must focus on long-term improvements.

He said the company must make its service, “more reliable, better and cheaper than the other companies offering a similar service.”

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  1. thomas
    November 25, 2011


    • 1979
      November 25, 2011

      If we ever are considered worthy to get that PRIVILAGE, or ever notified that bids are being accepted. If the people figure that to posess a ready and equiped public works department, on an island with terrain such as ours is not imperative, well then who am I? Let us continue to pawn our “Independence” and “sovereignty” to boast that we are developed. We will wake up speaking french or chinese one of these mornings.

  2. 1979
    November 25, 2011

    Tavernier remained very evasive to questions about her termination but claimed that her dismissal came as she refused to resign.
    “I was asked to resign and that is what it is all about. I have not resigned; I am no longer the chairperson of the board. Go and call the minister and ask him questions, not me,” she stated.

    Source: Dominicanewsonline

    • 1979
      November 25, 2011

      I want my children to inherit a society where if they see something wrong, NO MATTER WHO IT DOING IT!!! they can say ITS WRONG!!!! and not have to FEAR VICTIMIZATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • rat MAN
      November 26, 2011


  3. 1979
    November 25, 2011

    Mr. Blackmoore if you do what I see you setting out to do there right now. The Documents in my posession will find its way into the hands of the media. so you better think thrice about what you thinking of there. instead of trying to play HARDBALL with me, I suggest you make the changes necessary to secure the future of the corporation, either this or i promise you more trouble sleeping.

    ADMIN: Stop the noise and send us the damn document.

    • 1979
      November 25, 2011

      admin: if by now you are not convinced that I have Proof and I know what I am talking about then I am fighting a losing battle.

  4. CIA on the watch
    November 25, 2011

    Am not a supporter of this Government but every time i read statements or articles on DNO from this Hon. Minister i am really inspired by his works and spoken words, just wish his team menbers would follow his foot steps, suspect Dame Eugenia was his mentor, he really sounds different from the rest of this jokers in government, independent thinking person, someone who seems to be well read and whose administrative skills will pay off. Hats off to him

    • Papa Dom
      November 25, 2011

      are you for real

    • Free Thinker
      November 25, 2011

      Don’t you see that Mr Blackmore is trying to get more spotlight than PM Skerrit? He is always upfront, let him think that he could upstage Skerrit, he’ll get such a high fall !! Watch you’ll see.

    November 25, 2011

    only one person i not feeling sorry for is that STLUCE boy,

  6. elbigsexy
    November 25, 2011

    It’s sad when them memebers of a society believes (because it’s clear for all to see), that the ministers ahve no interest in protecting their interests by ensuring that they are able to provide for their families. rather these arrogant tricksters (ministers) are more interested in serving their foreign masters who unfortunately control our government. then it is said that power is in the hands of the people. Wast coast highway (surfacing) Chinese/ Trinis, Roseau valley rehabilitation– Trinis, Roger to Marigot— French. None of them are under the PWC banner.then again road patching with delayed payments belong to them.— So sad!

  7. Do little
    November 25, 2011

    Are we kidding Cerebus. A PWC business plan should not be a problem at all when PWC’s plan is hinged upon government’s commitment to provide projects for the PWC.

  8. day ho
    November 25, 2011

    It is better to shut up than to create the semblance of retaliation on the part of government.Mr Blackmore already made the same request a few months ago. The government should be the biggest supporter of the PWC. The PWC business plan is mainly based upon job opportunities/projects created by the government.
    Mr Blackmore seem to forget that the PWC management was hand selected by the government hence it is DLP cabals that are at the helm of PWC.

    • 1979
      November 25, 2011

      and now those same hand selected are being used as the scapegoats, they are now being hung out to dry, or maybe that was the entire plan all along. we will hear about the Chinese hotel soon enough. more to come

      • CIA on the watch
        November 25, 2011

        and even if it is a government appointed board at PWC, the question of self reliant is becoming a global thing now, do we have to wait for the world bank or IMF to tell us so, Dame eugenia started the ball rolling, and it was successful with DAWASCO and the other statuory corporation, what i understand by the ministers suggestion is that yes the government is there as a back up but PWC must be innovative and not relying on government, make PWC a commercial enterprise like all infaustructure companies in Dominica, he must be commended for a positive suggestion which will result in a viable PWC

      • 1979
        November 26, 2011

        Ur head is so far up the ministers rear end. What government minister u hear interfering with DOWASCO’s internal affairs?? The minister want to be GM, HR and every other department. Do this, do that!! A famous quote from the past GM is, “when the minister says do so, do not ask questions, just do as u are instructed”. Justify THAT!!!

  9. Friday After
    November 25, 2011

    Really?.PWC was formulated and instigated by the government and the corporation does not have a buisness plan for the last 3 years. If my memory serves me right Blackmore made that very same request earlier this year when public work complained about the projects not assigned to the corporation.
    Pride goes before a fall. Whenever the government is criticized be it constructively or otherwise these unprofessionals and arrogants become malicious.

    • LOL
      November 25, 2011

      My thought exactly…i guess these guys were working on the fly for the last couple years. How can a business without Vision nor a Mission operate properly????

      • Papa Dom
        November 25, 2011

        So whoes responsibility is/was it to draft the mission statement for the PWC? How does PWC get work when as part of the tender process for contracts/projects, the services which would be provided by it is part of the cost, with the contractor bringing in its own equipment?

      • CIA on the watch
        November 25, 2011

        LOL, PL, pl, pl, forget the messenger and concentrate on the message, the formation of a business plan must incorportae a vision and mission statement, if you had some experience in business school you and me will know that, take a look at the companies that are doing the same thing similar to PWC are they not successful, what the minister wants is to get ride of the PWC mentality of the past where you have so many gangs and little work, Trinidad is restructuring its CEPEP program making it more vaible and less reliant. CEPEP is a similar corporation like public works, cleaning and reparing roads, they are now moving into taking care of housing projects all over trinidad and seeking work from private construction companies, once again lets concentrate on the message and not the messenger

    November 25, 2011

    How long do you have to wait on a Business Plan? I am just tired of hearing they waiting on Business Plan. The decision making ones seems not to be able to take action when persons are not able to deliver on time and causing deadlines to be given.

    This is just incompetence and the blame game continues.

    I say to the powers that be equip the PWC with the proper equipment and machinery, pay off the inherited debt from the Garage and all outstanding amounts to include your bankers, creditors, truckers, contractors etc, then try something new to become marketable

  11. hmmm
    November 25, 2011

    OR what, Mr. Blackmore? “The Public Works Corporation (PWC) has been given a deadline to create a business plan…” or what? What will be the consequence of failing to stick to YOUR deadline? Did you consult with the Permanent Secretary or other managers of your ministry in coming with this one-sided ultimatum? Was that a decision of yours or your ‘advisor’? Remember, you are just a minister appointed to a particular ministry…you do not have the relevant expertise in the area…you should be advised by permanent secs and managers in your ministry and you should consult with them…that is what “by law” you should do. So…once again, I ask you, they should meet the deadline “or what”? I hope you will ask us “or what” when we start asking questions to your ministry to see if you consulted with them… our response to your “or what” will be to vote YOU out of office for your incompetence and blatant disrespect for Dominica’s long established policies if we find out you let your ego get the best of you.

  12. 1979
    November 25, 2011

    Okay…. Cabinet approves x asphalt plant to be purchased for use by the PWC, However the plant which is now in place is B asphalt plant, which is more expensive to purchase and very costly and not even profitable to operate. person X is the chairperson of said corp. Person x uses his/her position to ensure that any major shipping to be done (example: shipping of asphalt plant), goes through his/her (person x) private shipping company (NTI). There by using his/her position to profit from business transactions conducted by the corp. Person X also turns down offer by company Y to excavate the asphalt plant site for free!! However person X turns down this offer and pays a close associate $X,000,000. To do just that. Isn’t person X and the rest of the board of directors there to set policy??? What are these people doing interfering in the OPERATIONAL aspects of the corporation.????????? Are we so dumb and blind to see what is going on??

    • 1979
      November 25, 2011

      If we want the corporation to be more viable…THIS EVIL behaviour, by people who SHOULD KNOW BETTER show cease and desist IMMEDIATELY. Credit limits should be respected and government must understand that it must PAY for work completed, or risk running out of QWAYDI. Like all other business people who refuse to pay their bills. You all behave like the pigs in george orwell’s animal farm.

    • Malatete.
      November 25, 2011

      I hear the site was prepared at a cost alleged to be over $1 million without planning approval. You can confrim that 1979?

    • rat MAN
      November 26, 2011

      HATS OFF TO YOU!!!!!!!
      investigate them!!!!!!

  13. LOL
    November 25, 2011

    Minister for Public Works Rayburn Blackmoore said he has ordered……
    Mr.Blackmoore take a chill pill please!!!!!

  14. 1979
    November 25, 2011

    Dominicans, today is my turn, nobody seeking justice for me, tomorrow will be someone else turn. I hope they will not expect justice!

  15. Patriotic Citizen
    November 25, 2011

    The PWC is expected to propose how they can be self-sufficient… Hon Blackmoore, A financially self-sufficient business generates enough revenue in exchange for its products and services to cover all of its expenses, from payroll, to inventory, to rent and utilities. A business that is truly self-sufficient financially also does not need outside investment in order to expand. WHEN in an economy like ours IN DOMINICA…. will the practicability of such self sufficiency surface???? The company to provide infrastructural development was not considered “COST-EFFICIENT” for the gov’t to pursue a contract with and you expect self sufficiency??? Are you indirectly saying then the alternative to not meeting that goal when the business plan is presented may be a HIGHER UNEMPLOYMENT rate?

    • Malatete.
      November 25, 2011

      ACE and Ph. Williams are local companies and self-sufficient. Why not Public Works Corp.?

      • Anonymous
        November 25, 2011

        because ACE and PHW do not have government as their major shareholder!! PERIOD!!!!

      • FORKIT
        November 25, 2011

        you must be a jack@ss

  16. thomas
    November 25, 2011


  17. thomas
    November 25, 2011

    mr.Blackmore tell me what you want pubbli workers to do because all you give the foreigners all the big contacts?YOU SHOULD SIT WITH THEM AND FIGEUR OUT SOMETHING TO,MR.

  18. vip
    November 24, 2011

    Dominicans wake up .Any time a government treats its local companies like that something is wrong.This statement and treatment open up a can of worms on international bribery. There is a saying (follow the money) and you will find out where it leads. I hope the fbi and cia is tracking all monetary transaction in Dominica .unless money is being moved inn the form of cash which could make it slightly difficult to investgate.

  19. dominique
    November 24, 2011

    Blackmoore think he can fool people all the time. How the hell they are supposed to be cheaper than the others when the custom duty to bring in their stuff is soo high. Operation cost is extremely high for them. You expect Public works to compete with countries like Barbados and Trinidad? These are the countries you people give you contracts because you guys have shares in the company. So stop thinking we are fools

  20. nigel
    November 24, 2011

    this ministers come into office and suddenly they believe they are great business minds or politicians. you think the US government would give foreign companies huge contracts where there are capable companies within the USA to take on those projects. despite the cost the main idea is to create employment for your people and keep money circulating to keep the economy moving. my Dominican governments are are bunch and think people are the same

    • simple mind
      November 25, 2011 the time they are only full of horse sh..t

  21. nigel
    November 24, 2011

    i agree and i disagree at the same time. you are the main shareholder of company it would be in your best interest to see the company earn money and be profitable by increase in business. if a company like PWC does not have enuff free cash flow like the other companies being offered contracts then how can they manage to offer the same deals that the other companies are offering?? isnt the government responsible for the finances of public works? giving contracts to foreign companies isnt really good for anyone especially for a government to allow money to flow out of the country at such a rate. whose stupid idea is this

    • LOL
      November 25, 2011

      The Stupid Government’s idea….

  22. 1979
    November 24, 2011

    Admin if you would permit me: No problem Mr. Blackmoore, but for your future reference. Please advise the minister for education, in your future arrangements. That payment must be made to the corporation for tarish to be supplied to projects which are already funded. We also require the reasoning why the corporation, under the directions of you and the then chairlady choose to purchase the more costly and unprofitable apollo plant, when IN FACT, the cabinet approved a cheaper and more profitable pheonix plant. Who has the power to override cabinets decisions sir?
    There is more Mr. Blackmoore, so much more for us to air out. Mr. Minister do you have a mirror at your home? How do you live with yourself?

  23. FORKIT
    November 24, 2011

    my god, public wrks not government fing nah

    • Cerberus.
      November 25, 2011

      Public Works Corp is not a Govt. Dept. It was created in 2007, by an act of parliament out of a merger of the sanitatation- & maintenance divs. of the min. of works as a separate corporate body with its own legal identity with the mission” to provide services with commercial efficiency for all infrastructure in the public and private sector”.
      The Govt. is its sole shareowner but not legally liable for its debts. This also makes it easier to dispose of this asset if deemed to be either an ongoing liability or a good return can be achieved/losses minimized by selling it to a third party. Any of its competitors, currently operating in Dominica may well be interested, dispose of the unprotibable bits and incorpoarte the remainder in their own structure. Alternativley it can be allowed to go into full receivership.
      It is clear that the acquisition of a new asphalt plant, with a capacity in excess of the total island requirements and with inadequate financial means was not a sound one. Whether one likes it or not the fact is that Gaddarkhan’s aphalt plant at Layou was allowed to set up operations, is in full production and covers all current requirements adequately. Let’s spell it out: there is no need for yet another plant on island!
      My assessment is purely from a commercial point of view and, with its mandate under the act which created it in 2007 is the way it must be evaluated
      Management have been given another life line, abeit at short notice and for the sake of the employees let’s hope they come up with a viable plan.

      • 1979
        November 25, 2011

        my boy if you want to repeat something, go and repeat in blackmoore ears to STOP INTERFERING IN PWC INTERNAL AFFAIRS!!! STOP CALLING AND GIVING DIRECTIVES, ALL DECISIONS MUST GO THROUGH MANAGEMENT AND STAFF!!!!

  24. simple mind
    November 24, 2011

    Ah!!!Blackmore you asking them to look for the biggest nail available to crucify themselves,you dont even have mercy on the “godly bird”.

  25. hard core dominican
    November 24, 2011

    sorry blackmoor but u not talking like u care about ur people. after all the service we get from poblic works, all the juice is out from the equipment the company have run down, u al choose to put it a side. but remember when is time of disiaster those foreign company wont be there. so we better protect our own.

  26. Papa Dom
    November 24, 2011

    is wrong with these JA ministers! you formed a company without any consideration for business plan, take all the work and give it to people your are otherwise indebted to,make your friends undercut PWC and now you want them to present business plan.

  27. 4u2c
    November 24, 2011

    Alas! Blackmore that is what u all doing to poor people and their children? You the gonmnet should make publics more viable by giving them part of the big contracts the chinese and other staking away from them…
    Where on this earth your people come last and foreigners come first?

    Alas! Alas! Blackmore all u right!! Election time sing a different song…I will remember all u..I will make you all pay ….!!

    • Cerberus.
      November 24, 2011

      As unpalatable as it may appear, the minister is right. The only way for the company to survive long term is to become efficient and competitive and win contracts against their competitors. It is not right to expect work to be given to you because the prospective client happens to be the government. We do not live in a communist state where scuch is the case. I do not blame the rank & file and they should be paid forthwith what they are owed. However, the company’s management must change its mindset, stop blackmailing the govt. and build a commercial outfit that is nimble on its feet, manages its resources well and beat the hell out of its competitors. If they expect- or allow the govt.(their single shareholder) to run the company they can either resign or fight.

      • November 24, 2011



      • me
        November 24, 2011

        but listen nuh public works is not a company its a part of the government just like ministry of education so what u sayign there is crap its makes no sense

      • PWC
        November 24, 2011

        Cerberus even if you mite be making some sense in what you say but is 3 weeks enough time to come up with a working business plan and even if we are not in a communist state the pwc should have first bite of the cherry because when it all boils down govt is still running it.

      • forreal
        November 24, 2011

        i was about to comment,but i do not need to,you see some people read,but do understand what they have just read,that marvels me,its so easy to understand what the minister explained,some of our people are really blinded by hate,and hate makes one hurt them own self.

      • 1979
        November 24, 2011

        The corporation will never be profitable. Because the minister keep overriding the decisions being made internally. PWC has to work for government whether past project are paid for or not. Government is the worst paymaster in Dominica. You want to bite into something juicy cerebus. Look for the story on DNO where they fire the chairlady. Read the story completely. The start digging to find out WHY she was let go. Then if u find out why u will understand why PWC will not be able to thrive. Its all about greed again.

      • Sum Fing Not Wong
        November 25, 2011

        But wait! Cerberus! Wasn’t it the current government who set up the PWC as a Statutiry Board, a public enterprise? Is this same government now asking the PWC to justify its existence? You mean, there was no business plan when the PWC was set in motion? You mean to say, Blackmore established an enterprise WITHOUT a business plan? Magwe sa! Blackmore should be fired for such incompetence. Its like a mother giving birth to a baby then turning around and asking the baby to justify its existence. All the baby has to say is, “thats for you to do, mama, not me!”

      • T. Winston
        November 25, 2011

        Sorry Cerberus but like your name says you must be a dog from hell. A local company should always be given priority over a foreign company simply because the money will stay in the country and circulate. If you give the contracts to outside companies the money will only circulate OUTSIDE and we will still be broke and poor at least giving it to PWC you can tax it a little and when they buy things locally is the same VAT they have to pay.

  28. me
    November 24, 2011

    if i take the food from ur table what will u think of me when i tell u why u not gaining weight SAME THING U DOING TO PUBLIC WORKS U TAKING CONTRACTS FROM THEM YET U WANT THEM TO BE SELF SUFFICIENT U FIND U MAKING SENSE the projects u giving to outside companies give them to public works then watch them grow

    • Anonymous
      November 24, 2011

      @ me. FULL SUPPORT..

      • Cerberus.
        November 25, 2011

        Anonymous & Me. Your comments are understandable as I do not believe many Dominicans are aware that the Public Works Corp. is not a Division of the Ministry of Public Works. It was changed (incorporated) into a separate legal entity in 2007 by an Act of Parliament.It would have been helpful if in the process its name had been changed sufficiently to emphasize this. Hope this clarifies the situation.

      • 1979
        November 25, 2011

        GREAT! U are just proving my case further!! That the minister has NO BUSINESS dabbling in the INTERNAL AFFAIRS of the corporation!!!

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