Teenager charged with murder in Hodges killing

arrestedA 17-year-old from Woodfordhill has been charged with murder in connection with the killing of a Brazilian national in the Hodges area.

The body of Rose Wyatt, 51, was found last Sunday lying in a footpath which leads to Hodges Beach in an area between Calibishie and Woodfordhill.

Wyatt was the owner of Sunrise Gardens, located about two kilometers from the village of Calibishie.

Because of his age, the laws of Dominica prohibit the publication of the accused name.

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  1. calibishie boy
    January 22, 2016

    Dan tanner hope you never come back to dominica, you was not even like by the white people they said the hate you ,you was a racist, hope you stay in America because there don’t have crimes there. Am very happy you left calibishie.

  2. Jada
    January 22, 2016

    Makes me sick, this country is finally getting the attention that is needed for tourism to thrive yet the locals abuse, kill and rob the tourists??! Tell me how the country will get any better. If they send him scott free how will others learn? They need to teach these children to better themselves. No wonder people scared to come down here, I’m planning on going on vacation to see my family but if I bring a friend God knows what still happen to us, they see tourists or any foreigner and they’re heads get big thinking we all have money! Lord have mercy.

  3. tj
    January 22, 2016

    He need to be ajucated As an adult and then we can promptly publish his name. DPP !

    • Dan Tanner
      January 22, 2016

      Dominica needs to reinstate the death penalty too. Murder there is epidemic.

  4. Caretaker
    January 22, 2016

    I have a wish which is too great to ask. I want to be named DOMINICA The invisible, anyone who made a comment against me to disappear and hanging in the moon. If only Dominica could talk. A beautiful Island well loved by everyone except the natives. See the mountains, so pretty and well formed. Guess what the mountains are rocks, but trees grow on them well mannered and protect the rocks. We should protect Dominica and not hide behind Dominica. Every body should play their part how small and stop passing the blame on one another, you cannot solve any problems by passing it on

  5. January 22, 2016

    As I have been telling you’ll people….what plays out in the advance countries,U.S.A,Britain,France,Germany etc is now rapidly working its way down to the third world countries…what these third world countries have not yet adopted.. trust me it’s not to far behind…they will catch on to it.
    17 years old and his name can’t be given due to the law. I guess like it’s said here in the U.S…( He’s only a kid.
    Well you’ll know what’s next…Up here in the States they are still hooked unto this kid business but have now added on the mental card…He or She is mental..not in their right state of mind when the crime was committed.
    That’s the next we’ll be hearing down there…not in the right state of mind put him in the hospital..story end…

  6. Face the Facts
    January 22, 2016

    Since robberies were committed near the beach, was Rosa not informed about not walking alone through those paths?
    I hope from now on everyone, visitors will be informed about these areas. They must be protected.
    Those area should have consistent police patrol.
    These criminals are taking away people’s freedom, enjoyment and life. They must be severely dealt with.
    They will be the cause of Dominica not getting many visitors as also tourists.
    Minister of Tourism, please take note. There has been enough talking. Immediate action is required to protect residents and, visitors in Dominica.

    • Dan Tanner
      January 22, 2016

      It was not the victim’s fault! People should be safe. Eliminate thuggery from Dominica.

  7. Face the Facts
    January 22, 2016

    He has been robbing tourists on the beach and burglarizing homes which is known to police? He must have been arrested and charged. This is why a man as that should not be out in society.
    I recall a French man with his daughter were robbed and his daughter raped. Was it in the same area?
    Some young men were arrested in the case of another tourist couple who were visiting. they were on their way to the airport. Their documents and the wife’s wedding ring were stolen. The police arrested three of them.
    These young people do not care that they give their country and law-abiding nationals a bad name. This is why they should be severely punished. Incarceration with no parole should be their lot.
    They are bailed and continue to commit crimes. This time murder. It is said thieves could commit two crimes, theft and murder.
    Government, the Court, Police authorities, it is high time that such people should not be released.

    • Dan Tanner
      January 22, 2016

      We helped the couple who were robbed of numerous items including her wedding/engagement rings) at Batibou Beach. The items were recovered within a few days.* The guilty party was never punished, He was easy to find because he was a known village thief from school days.

      * When the recovered items arrived via shipment back to the couple, the rings were missing (had been listed). Some thief in the police or court system must have taken them; we know from experience that FedEx is secure. Bottom line: The couple, prior multiple-time visitors who were planning to buy Dominica property, have eliminated Dominica from their plans.

  8. love I
    January 22, 2016

    Oh my gosh!!! A Teenager folks…a Teen!!!! What the hell is wrong with you guys…that little thing between all legs…scratching….Lord have mercy…just so you kill the woman…who was giving employment to persons….I cannot say more…they will deal with you..

    January 21, 2016

    I hope the 17yr old will be charged as an adult if he did commit this crime

  10. Fedup and Frustrated
    January 21, 2016

    Although my heart bleeds for Ms Wyatt’s family, I cyah even get riled up because I’m tired. Tired of the stupid archaic laws in our country that allows killers to go free.

    I can remember Mongar was around that same age when he and his compadre kicked Ossie to death in Roseau. They send him to prison, then Mercy Committee come and run their mouth about oh he’s young and all of that garbage. The two them got away scott free. One driving bus now and the other dead as a doornail rotting in the cemetery somewhere.

    I guess I will leave the vengeance to the Most High. You doh see Mongar get his? Sitting down on a bench on High Street easy easy. All them badasses does get theirs after a time, so I not even bothered.

  11. DA4REAL
    January 21, 2016

    Didn’t he know that he was seventeen yrs old? We need to know who he is regardless of his age. He is a criminal and as such his rights to privacy is not important.. Hope he doesn’t walk a free man like the other criminals.. I say give him the maximum punishment.

    • Dan Tanner
      January 22, 2016

      Maximum should be hanging.

  12. calibishie boy
    January 21, 2016

    You all don’t know about him he is not easy,he did the very same thing his dad did in Guadeloupe he took 14 years jail France and was deported to d/a.

    • Dan Tanner
      January 22, 2016

      He’s 17. How could he have killed his father 14 years ago?

  13. mine
    January 21, 2016

    If he killed the lady he should be charged as an adult if the killing was brutal. I hope the system don’t go easy on him because many times they end up doing it again.

    • Dan Tanner
      January 22, 2016

      Hang the thug. Won’t do bad things anymore then.

  14. Caretaker
    January 21, 2016

    when a crime is committed we cry shame when the culprits are caught we cry shame. 78,year old lady got raped,87,and 93 and then a 51 year old. There is no charge it could be the same person. You take him to the graveyard, give him a shovel and let him dig his own grave

  15. Cyril Volney
    January 21, 2016

    f there are two significant failures in our little island, they are the failed application of good parenting in the upbringing of our children, and the failure of the churches to promote good parental skills. Churches have a responsibility to mentor and guide their followers. From well raised children do harmonious communities spring.

  16. January 21, 2016

    No outcry, no label attached to the village the young man hail from? If that was, “Grandbay Again” boots on the ground would swarm the hood. It’s a shame this individual termed at the hand of this young man. Crime is crime and can happen anywhere, anytime, gender, race and standard of living will not deter a criminal mind. The young man is still a youth and may not understand his behavior in the moment. Trying him as an adult and calling for hanging and all other form of punishment will not stop another killing. Education, uplifting and providing a sense of belonging to this young man are the key. He will be punished for his behavior, but think before we allow our emotions to fly out the gate.

    • indira Ghandi
      January 21, 2016

      Are you trying to say at 17 he does not know right from wrong.
      He should be given some good licks before he is thr I wn into jail.
      pure wickedness.

    • January 22, 2016

      Keep underestimating the intelligence of people under the age of 18 !
      Teenagers are some of the most violent offenders in times like now.

    • BOB
      January 24, 2016

      He knows exactly what he is doing! It is a lifestyle that he have chosen. If he has a criminal mind, well you should know that the solution should be permanent confinement.

  17. Wooty
    January 21, 2016

    Why should his parents be charged for aiding and abetting? Which mother or father would influence their 17 year old son to go and murder? Which parent? Children are not always under the supervision of their parents. Parents can’t never know all their children friends or who their children associating with? Don’t try to apply any pressure on his parent plz. Don’t be judging because today is his shower and tomorrow might just be yours.

  18. OLI
    January 21, 2016

    I doh believe is he alone dat commit the crime. I think more was involved. Police should squeeze his tail him for him to talk.

    • Face the Facts
      January 22, 2016

      What is also shocking, he is only 17 years old and he has a murder on his hands. It is a serious crime.
      If I were you, I would not be certain that he did not commit murder alone. The strength of men, be it a teenager cannot usually surpass that of women. Unless he is a skinny young man who has no strength, he could very well have done it. He is arrested and charged. Unless I know otherwise, I will state he murdered her.
      It would be interesting to know why he did it and was he the only person. At least the police could reveal this once he is interrogated.

  19. no compassion
    January 21, 2016


  20. Helas!
    January 21, 2016

    You know the hypocrites of this country, on one side of our mouth we cry God, but what we support though be of gog and magog we still adore.

    Let us all seek truth and live by the justice for all man and Dominica will change.

    I am waiting to see if he will get bail , while the policemen never got bail.
    I hope what is good for the goose is good for all.

    So many are getting away with crime, so many want to get rich quick or have quick that crime is the avenue be high or low it is all the same.

  21. Interesting
    January 21, 2016

    We have spent many days here spewing garbage against each other,and the country. Do you think we are responsible for the violence that occur daily. This is a new phenomenon. Might there be a correlation between the political discourse and the increase in criminal activity in DA. Wish the learned social scientist would comment. WE ARE DOMINICAN FIRST !

    • Face the Facts
      January 22, 2016

      You made a good point. I have also thought of it. It may very well be true.
      We cannot please God if we are wicked toward our fellow people and on this Website.
      It is said God turns His back on wicked people. Reason is, because they turned their backs on Him because of their wickedness and planning same on their fellow people.
      Keep in mind as in Holy Scriptures: “All have fallen short of His glory. All have sinned”, one way or the other. How many are striving for mortal and spiritual perfection in also words to their fellow people?

  22. mydominica.com
    January 21, 2016

    fellow Dominicans, especially young people, I know the situation in Dominica today looks hopeless as many of us see how our country is being sold by to and foreigners on mydominica.com. However, let us not pass our anger on foreigners because they are not the cause of our problem. In fact please do not pass your anger on anyone or do anything stupid.

    In recent times many foreigners have been attacked, robbed, and murdered in Dominica, as if they are our problem. I think of our Australian Cricketers as well as those attacked at gun point on beaches, on our streets, national sights, just to name a few.

    I know it brings more anger to see how our government gave our historic land at cabrits and other areas to foreigners while many of us cannot build a toilet to call ours. Furthermore, it brings more anger to see how we had to raise $80,000 to pay another foreigner that sued us, just for asking about our money.
    Yes, it angers us, but please remain calm while our God fight for us.

    • Dan Tanner
      January 22, 2016

      We came to Dominica in 1987. We bought land in 2003. The owner, who probably killed three men (…………) kacked up the price for us white pople. hen the locals blamed US for the high land prices. We left Dominica in 2014 and will never, ever return to that stupid land.

    • Something4nothing
      January 22, 2016

      No man is an island and the beautiful Dominica cannot survive without foreign investment that is the way of the world. That same young man may well have enjoyed life without crime if he had a job. What are we doing for our young people we need to give them opportunities through work after their education ends. Well having foreign investment can help that happen. Before you think rubbish look at the USA a lot of foreigners are building those shiny skyscrapers for Americans to work same with the UK. If you turn away foreign investment either a house, tourist then I think more will turn to crime which will be a great shame for all of us.

  23. January 21, 2016

    We really have to STOP FAULTING PARENTS for the wrongdoings of children. We do raise our children right, THEY, the children, follow their own paths. SOME keep their upbringing, morals and values of what they were taught, but SOME can’t wait to flee. STOP FAULTING PARENTS! Those of us that are parents know full well that some children, as they get older, are determined to NOT follow the rules/guidance of parents. SOME children put SOME parents to shame with their behavior. Let’s not jump to assumed conclusions.

    • Cyril Volney
      January 21, 2016


    • Mo Money
      January 22, 2016

      It takes a village to raise a child…. and a powerful leader to make sure these foreign trained vermin are disciplined harshly before they try any of their learned nastiness in our beautiful island

  24. January 21, 2016

    Well ,well ,our lives in dominica are in danger,our children are now taking crime to a higher lever,17 yrs old killing for no valuable reason,i am sure the dog was trying to defend its owner as most good dogs would have done.did his parents know about his crime and kept it from the police?if yes they should be persecuted as an accessory to murder ,this should be investigated because it is an important question,we must have toff love ,do not hide our children from any arrest if they have raped,kill,steal ,assaulted for no valuable reason or any other high level crime..now the law must change, minors will feel protected because the law is using underage as first excuse when a minor becomes a criminal especially murder and rape>He also killed the dog ,i personally think that if he was not caught in time he would continue killing.now is the time that all the political representatives should make serious changes too the laws that are existing.too many murderers have walked out freely..

  25. The Cow & The Pussy Cat
    January 21, 2016

    At 17, I was in high school preparing myself for a bright future. Outside of School I was busy playing cricket and soccer for my village, and good churches to keep us on track. I had a lot of respect for the law, those older than me, village councilors, police officers, government ministers and others, because they were all an examples and role models to us. Not only that, but there was the junior secondary school for young people who did not do very well so they could go learn to do something to help themselves. Such is not the case today, as all of the institutions have fallen today!
    While I strongly condemn this evil act of violence, the question that must be asked is, what are we doing for our young people to give them hope for the future? We MUST admit that Dominica today is far from the Dominica of 20 yrs ago, where our councilors, politicians, police officers, churches, sports and others helped us remain focus. Instead, Skerrit find is tablet they need

  26. Humanitarian
    January 21, 2016

    I have been hearing about this young man and it seems he has been in trouble with the police already! Woodford Hill has such a bad reputation, many bad apples in this community. Woodford Hill you need to clean up your community! I would imagine drugs have to have played a part in this murder. I cannot believe anyone in their right mind could do such a wicked evil act, let alone a 17 year old boy………………………………………. Incredibly sick!

    • evie
      January 21, 2016

      if woodfordhill have a bad reputation so does dominica cause its in the country pff stop singling out villages,im from woodfordhill and i have a good reputation , its an individual so just stop it pff smfh. its sad no matter where it happened .rip

    • Face the Facts
      January 22, 2016

      There you go. He was already a bad teenager. The lady was walking her dog. What money could she have had on her that he would attack her and murder her? I would not be surprised if he raped her and then murdered her. When the devil is them they cannot do anything good.
      I cannot feel sorry for this young man. He appears to have been a wayward person. I hope he receives a just sentence and punishment. If this is not the first time he has committed a crime, may he not be released on bail only to return to the streets.

    • Face the Facts
      January 22, 2016

      There you go. He was already a bad teenager. The lady was walking her dog. What money could she have had with her that he would attack her and murder her? I would not be surprised if he raped her and then murdered her. When the devil is them they cannot do anything good.
      I cannot feel sad for this young man. He appears to have been a wayward person. I hope he receives a just sentence and punishment. If this is not the first time he has committed a crime, may he not be released on bail only to return to the streets.

      • Face the Facts
        January 22, 2016

        I noted there was a problem when I sent this. I received the message, “Waiting for DNO.” It took long and so I got out of DNO and accessed it again and sent the comment. I did not realize that when I got out of DNO, my comment was accepted. This is the reason for this duplicate. Sorry!

    • January 22, 2016

      He thought doing this in such an isolated area he could get away with it..i am sure he wanted to steal something from the lady..lazy bastard

  27. real possie
    January 21, 2016

    He should be charged as an adult. So at sixteen you can have a child with a grown man, but at seventeen you’re still considered a minor. These prehistoric laws needs to be revamped, to fall in line with this new century.

  28. El Chapo ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ✓
    January 21, 2016

    Dude killed a business person with his unproductive self… This should not be overlooked start making some example outta these mofos :-x In brazil you’d just see two dudes pull up on a motorcycle in front his home and he getting his trial right there! :!:

    • Face the Facts
      January 22, 2016

      You know the saying, what goes around comes around in time. Let us wait and see what will happen to him.

  29. @Jeff January 21, 2016 “What was on his mind at that age?

    I will tell you what! It is the negative mentality that is all around him. I have said it before and I am saying it again; that kind of feeding is bad for our children, our young people, who are to be our adults of tomorrow–but are those who are responsible for those negative vibes, which they are spewing around, serving to their children and their young friends, are they taking heed?.

    When I read the comments on DNO, it disturbs me to the extremity, knowing that most of those comments are from younger people who are simply accepting what they hear or read from those adults who has no kind of substance in what they write and speak.–all is futility

    A mind that is fed with negativity, like we are feeding to our youth of Dominica, eventually becomes restless, agitated, angry, hostile, and even to the point of have no respect for the human life–to do things just as this young fellow may have done.

    • Now we are calling for jail time for him, what good will that do for him and us–even if he remains incarcerated for the rest of his days on Earth

      The problem with us is that we fail to understand the “concept of Love” which has to be the Ground, the Root, and the Sap (blood) of the Tree–which is us in the Life of God— for God is Love, and Love is Life of Spirit and Truth in us, human affection is of the flesh.

      But all over the place we are claiming {“human affection” in the name of Love–that is a tragic mistake; and for that reason our children are being born and growing up without knowing Love, hence not knowing God.

      They have no hope of the Light in Life–because we continue to point them or lead them unto the path of darkness and death–with that kind of feeding in the mind of a young man– it is not surprising that he would do this kind of thing–it is now too late to fix it, regardless of his punishment

      • Peter Potter
        January 21, 2016

        I think you have a bit of a mental issue. Go and get it sorted!

      • Facts
        January 21, 2016

        If he can’t be fixed as you say. He has no place in society. An example must be made before the nature island becomes a hell hole. If he is hung one less festering sore on society.

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        January 22, 2016

        “Now we are calling for jail time for him, what good will that do for him and us–even if he remains incarcerated for the rest of his days on Earth”(Elizabeth).

        Elizabeth, what sort of penalty do you suggest he pay for taking the life of another person? Man woman or child he belong in jail, and he should live in jail for the rest of his natural life! He should get the sentence twenty five years to life without parole, that will ensure he die in jail!

        It is time the legal justice system send a message to those who are inclined to kill; so that if, and when they take the life of another person, if the murder is premeditated they will die in jail.

        Anytime one goes out to rape, steal, that is premeditated, their intention was to kill in order not to get caught. Permanent life incarceration should be the only option!

  30. peaceful
    January 21, 2016

    Lord please look over the youth in our Country. Father can you hear us in Dominica. Lord is that part of the Sousa Sel blight that is falling on us Father. Father please release us from this spell of darkness in our Country and give our young people some direction father!

    • hmmm
      January 21, 2016

      you have to be the most stupid person on the face of the earth. sousa sel blight? I cannot curse on DNO but i have a few choice words for u, STOP CALLING BLIGHT ON DE COUNTRY DEM ARSE!!!

      • Concern citizen
        January 21, 2016

        U see my boy the truth offends that’s why u are so offended offence, the man is right it is souse sell, it’s just that I am sorry for the Skerrit field slaves!

      January 21, 2016

      peaceful, Try to remember who said the youths are asking him/them for GUNS TO KILL!

    • jahgirl
      January 22, 2016

      @peaceful…. Please stop that hypocrisy…..some of you just wait for something bad to happen and then come online with all kinds of prayers whilst your hearts are as hard as stones. It’s too much voodoo and politics in the damn place and very little or no time is spent focusing on God. Take your bible, go to your room and say a prayer deep within your heart. LORD, LORD , LORD and at the same time you talking about Sousay Sel…..you think that makes any sense?

  31. Yes
    January 21, 2016

    Nice police work, let’s see if the courts convict him.
    One down, more to go.

  32. Delvin Castro
    January 21, 2016

    Omg 17 the young people need to follow in our pm foot steps.

    • da massive
      January 21, 2016

      He is you know.. They are labourites.

  33. Peter Potter
    January 21, 2016

    DNO, please give us a bit more info. On which grounds did the police charge this individual or in other words what evidence does the police hold to warrant charging this person? When is this man scheduled to appear in court? I believe we all deserve some answers here.

    ADMIN: That is all the info the police gave us. We will provide updates when they become available.

    • done deal
      January 21, 2016

      are u his lawyer, what does that have to do with you?, copawayzor.

      • Peter Potter
        January 21, 2016

        If you only had a little bit of brain between your ears you would know why I ask these questions. I know how things work over here. The police arrest a person but don’t do their work properly and on court day one clever lawyer is ripping the prosecution to shreds and here we go again, another criminal walks free. You understand now ‘thicko’?

    • jahgirl
      January 22, 2016

      Peter Potter, did you send him to commit the crime? I find you want too much info. Stop watching CSI

  34. Fummy
    January 21, 2016

    17 or not he did the crime do the time, didn’t he know he was 17 when he went along and murder the lady…do not hold his name bring it forward for the public to know his name and for him to take responsibility for what he did. you all can call the dead murdered woman name, so you have a right to TELL us his name, Tell us his name, Do not hide it..

    • Face the Facts
      January 22, 2016

      I agree with you. Since he murdered her which is a capital crime and one against all Dominicans, his name should be released.
      This is what gets nationals angry that he murdered and his name cannot be released.
      He is no innocent person especially as I read this is not his first crime. He is known to the police. This is why his name should be released. I do not understand that type of Dominican Law.

  35. Observer
    January 21, 2016

    This guy should be charged as an adult! I understood that he killed the lady’s dog before murdering her. If that is the case, this is definitely premeditated murder. Dominica laws need to be updated; this guy face needs to be placed on the wall of shame. Anyway, if DNO can’t show, I know Facebook will.

    • Restorative Justice
      January 21, 2016

      Not condoning what he did but he is a JUVENILE…if it was your child or brother or sister would you like their name published? if his name is placed on Facebook i will be one who will definitely ensure that the person is brought before the Court for doing so…the juvenile has been charged and will be dealt with in the Court of Law…it is unfortunate that this has happened but still…he is a juvenile….

      • January 21, 2016

        Juveniles are tried as adults in the good old U.S.A.

      • Concern citizen
        January 21, 2016

        How is that our people are always in the favour of those who commit the crime, thou shall not kill so when a human being slaughter another human shouldn’t he / she suffer all kind of punishment, the poor lady was intercepted and murdered by a murderer and now even his name u are trying to shield zou ka bon an Dominic sa la

      • Face the Facts
        January 22, 2016

        How many times he has to commit crimes and now a murder to be discontinued being regarded as a juvenile?
        He is of the age of reason. He knew very well what he did. He deprived the lady of he life and her future.
        Well, let us hope his attorney does not plead for him to be released He is already no good to society. At this stage in his life, there is nothing good he can do for Dominica and nationals. He deserves to be kept incarcerated.
        He should pray to God with remorse and humility and ask God forgiveness. Forgiveness does not come so easy to simply say, “God forgive me.” He has to make some form of restitution, in prayer, performing penance and sacrifice to appease God sufficiently for Him to forgive that man. If he does not know that, a well-versed person will have to inform him about it. He must first learn it.

    • No name
      January 21, 2016

      The dog is still alive

  36. SimplyDominican
    January 21, 2016

    oh he is just seventeen. WOW. we need God in this place. We need to run to God. Full Speed because this country is falling flat on its face. I WOULD STILL JAIL HIM FOR LIFE!

    • Dan Tanner
      January 22, 2016

      God is a myth. The damn missionaries make Dominica ignorant. Formerly, slaveowners used the christian myths to make the slaves docile. There is no such thing as a god. There are, however, criminals. A thug culture. Thuggery exalted in “gangsta rap” and BET on television.

  37. Jeff
    January 21, 2016

    Oh my .. 17 years of age! What was on his mind at that age? When I was 17, it was all about school and playing football with my SMA boys. After school, it was work and then homework. Where are his parents?

    Because of his age, his parents or care takers should also be charged for aiding and abetting!!!!!!!!

  38. Floridian diaspora
    January 21, 2016

    It’s a great shame that children have now adopted this audacious act of man slaughter. It’s quite alarming, it really is. Only a few months ago I warned about the younger ones picking up the outrageous activities that some of us as adults practice; (Drugs, Prostitution, Murder, Gambling). Now here we are, a minor have come in on the act. Another wasted life. One might think, was he brought up in the right way, did he poses good moral values, did he follow bad friends, or was he neglected by his parents? Perhaps!!! I suspect that sexual recreation was not the case here. A 17 year old going after a 51 year woman ? I doubt it. My 2 cents is telling me that this was nothing more than a senseless killing. That 17 year old must have been suffering from depression where he was overwhelmed with the thought of a SALTY future so he took out his frustration on this poor woman.

    • da massive
      January 21, 2016

      So all the other tourist he rubbed on the beach,and homes he burglarised can be considered venting his frustration? He was made a career out of crime

      • Face the Facts
        January 22, 2016

        So he has been committing crimes for sometime and at a younger age. This is why his name and picture should be released. Dominicans want to know what he looks like in case he is released in society.
        Do you recall approximately a year ago a vacationing couple, while bathing were robbed of their documents in their vehicle and the wife’s wedding band was stolen. Would it have been in that same area where the lady was murdered?

  39. FAE
    January 21, 2016

    :( Goodness

  40. DA Native in Texas
    January 21, 2016

    Because of his age he is still considered a minor, so DNO is correct in not publishing his name even though they might have gotten it from the police department. However, that being said I hope that the judicial system tries him as an adult, because it can and should be done. I am not saying this because the lady was a foreigner, the Laws that be need to start dealing with these crimes in an appropriate way. I know times have changed but it saddens me when some of these young men commit these heinous crimes. Growing up at home I know young people got into trouble with the Law, but I am trying to see if during my growing up days any teenager, male or female did something so out of the way. In closing fathers and mothers need to take control of their children and train them from a very young age, because even if a few of them might still slip through the cracks majority of them will do better.

  41. Y
    January 21, 2016

    The age of sexual consent is 16 as should be…it should even be reduced to 15…a 17 year old should be tried as an adult…the law should be amended

    • January 21, 2016

      I don’t think that the age for sexual consent should be reduced to 15, although many are sexually active way before that age. I think that the age for sexual consent should be INCREASED. However, if a 17 year old’s mind can think as an adult, and is capable of MURDER, he should be tried as an ADULT.

  42. just saying
    January 21, 2016

    too young for the name to be published but not too young to commit murder?hmmm those laws there were made to protect the perpetrators not the victims.

  43. Never shameful
    January 21, 2016

    Juvenile of Dominica, this is not the path you want to follow.
    Hopefully this was not ntentionally, we do not know the facts. But please my Dominican children, do not follow the ways of wicked men. Love your elders, protect your elders.
    Check for their wellbeing. You the youths have the power to change the future of your country. Don’t be a another statistic of society. Be better then those who intentions are to commit harm on our OUR elderly. BE BETTER .LIVE RIGHT.


    • January 21, 2016

      What would possess someone to commit murder? Do you think he was provoked? If maybe, why didn’t he walk away? Yes, we have to wonder what happened, but we might never know because the ONLY witness, other than GOD and the person who committed the crime, is DEAD.

      • Peter Potter
        January 21, 2016

        Provoked? So he was provoked and then he raped the lady and killed her? You can not be serious man? If someone provokes you you assault them sexually and then kill them? Think about what you are saying. Furthermore why would that lady provoke one of these rough necks?

  44. Tdot
    January 21, 2016

    Trust them Jungle People there to contine giving Dominica a bad name hmmmm. 17 yrs old

  45. papa
    January 21, 2016

    If he can kill why not put his name

  46. Wooty
    January 21, 2016

    Why …..? Why? You just threw away your life there boy. Is better u had check me for us to plant a garden or some weed. I feel it for you ghost

  47. fedupppp
    January 21, 2016

    he old enough to kill and he not old enough for his name to be revealed? NON SENSE!! what is wrong with these young boys!!

    • sad but true
      January 21, 2016

      So true. A young man from gallion was murdered by a 17 year old last year carnival tuesday. His name could not be published but now he out there boasting while the family is still greiving. IS THIS FEAR? Common. There should be no bail for any murderer

      • sad but true
        January 21, 2016

        So true. A young man from gallion was murdered by a 17 year old last year carnival Monday. His name could not be published but now he out there boasting while the family is still greiving. IS THIS FEAR? Common. There should be no bail for any murderer

  48. Humanitarian
    January 21, 2016

    How terribly sad! A 17 year old teenager has been charged with the murder of Rose! Why on earth is a 17 year old teenager wanting to kill another human being let alone a woman! What has gone wrong in this young man’s childhood to make him commit this terrible heinous crime. Rose must have been terrified and pleaded for her life! Something is very, very wrong! Why is it that now there seems to be no morals. The younger generation do not seem to know wrong from right, respect for each other or their elders! The 10 commandments are a great guide on how we should live our lives. I feel totally sorry for Rose’s husband and family, this is tragic. This young man should never ever be allowed to be free again if he indeed did murder Rose. In fact what he did is totally evil. R.I.P. Rose.

    • January 21, 2016

      Well, Rose is dead. Someone killed her. Let’s hope this boy has an explanation or an alibi. Here’s a thought – he probably was rejected by Rose. Anything is possible.

      • Face the Facts
        January 22, 2016

        And the devil made him do it? The devil is laughing at him.
        He has a conscience. I hope while in prison, every second he will constantly regret his atrocious crime.

    • Shameless
      January 21, 2016

      Humanitarian I feel your pain. :cry:

      You see, in Dominica we fail to understand the principles of “good leadership” which should serve as a compass for the youth and our future by extension. If the head is bad, then the tail will follow. There is no accountability from those whom we worship as leaders in Ma Dominique. As much as I hate to bring politics is such a discussion it cannot be overlooked or ignored. Politics determines what we eat,drink, how we behave, what we wear and so on.

      Now, how can we have those in leadership who blatantly violates our constitution, by-laws, codes of conduct, basic moral values and expect the youth to behave? Here is my final analysis; “DOMINICA, WE HAVE A PROBLEM”! Part of the solution will need a total reset on leadership in government, schools, police high command and those institutions where leadership is paramount (churches). Air Dominica is crashing and we are running out of time.. :-? :-? :-?

      Assertive, Never Aggressive!…

      • Face the Facts
        January 22, 2016

        Leave the government alone. The government did not conceive him, bear him, give birth to him and nurture him. While growing up his parents also housed, fed and clothed him, if he was brought up with both parents.
        Stop blaming society. The same applies for society. He chose to take a path of crime. He is to be blamed. Now we await why he murdered the woman. I hope this is released to the public. They deserve to know.

    • indira Ghandi
      January 21, 2016

      What did he use to kill her?
      Did he have gun?

  49. January 21, 2016

    Because of his age, the laws of Dominica prohibit the publication of the accused name. THE LAW SHOULD BE AMENDED FOR NOT CHARGING AS WELL.

  50. Heartfelt
    January 21, 2016

    Lord Jesus, that’s a child. These are two families who are heartbroken. His and the victims. I feel for them both.

  51. hmmmmmmmmmm
    January 21, 2016

    hmmmm i sure is nt him alone………………… young man if u know if there was others please speak up dont hide ntg

    • Dominican
      January 21, 2016

      You already making excuses for him? this is the kind of sooteewere talk that causing those horrendous crimes in the country. the murderers know that they will get support from the hypocrites. the same tongue all you taking to cry about the crime is the same tongue all you using to try to defend the criminals, stupes just get off DNO and go fly in the sea :twisted:

  52. Karen
    January 21, 2016

    I hope that because he is only 17 he can still be tried and convicted for murder and receive the same custodial sentence as someone over 18!!

    • jahgirl
      January 22, 2016

      @ Karen…he is going to be granted bail in about 4 years.

  53. hmmmm
    January 21, 2016

    Try him as an adult and reveal his name. He old enough to do the crime he old enough to do the time.

    • Zandoli Girl
      January 21, 2016

      I agree

    • labourite
      January 21, 2016

      So true. Last year carnival a young man from gallion was murdered by a 17 year old also. He was considered a juvenile. Now he out there boasting while the family still greiving there loss. Common man, Is this fear? no murderer regardless of age should be given bail.

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