Delia Cuffy-Weekes appeals to men to step up in the fight against domestic violence

Delia Cuffy-Weekes

Human rights advocate, Delia Cuffy-Weekes is sending a strong appeal to men in Dominica to step up in order to help reduce/prevent the occurrence of violence against women. Additionally, according to her, women are being offered the lowest-paid jobs.

“Men, I am asking you to step up to reduce or to prevent the occurrence of domestic violence and violence against women,” she said. “Women are offered the lowest paid jobs. They have to take it because they are desperate and sometimes too, while they are in these very low paying jobs they are subjected to all sorts of abuse on the job.”

Cuffy-Weekes continued, “So, it is not just abuse at home, but it also extends to the workplace.”

She added, “You may have never touched the woman, but if you gave her children and do not step up and take responsibility for your children, she may end up in an abusive relationship with another man who may not be willing to take care of your children and she may end up being violated because of you and your inability to take up your responsibility.”

Furthermore, she argued that when people receive facts of the actual situation, they blame the abused person.

“Because they say this woman has no morals and what example is she setting for her children?” Cuffy-Weekes remarked. “But remember women do not make children by themselves. Where are the fathers?”

She believes in these situations one has to ask themselves, “Could I have been in that situation and if I am not in that situation, what is it that I have that she doesn’t have?”

In an article published on Dominica News Online (DNO) dated January 17, 2023 Associate Professor of Psychology, Dr. Simone Mathieu, called out to women that they should not blame themselves when they are subjected to domestic violence or abuse.

She stated that a woman could do whatever she wants and if a man is not an abuser, he is not going to abuse that woman.

She pointed out that abuse of women by men has persisted despite the fact that women have freedom and have fought for the right to be in the workplace and to be independent.

“These same men are now jealous that these women have found financial independence,” she remarked. “I just want to make it absolutely, crystal clear to anyone out there who is listening, that first it is not your fault and second of all, you cannot fix the person. You cannot love them out of being an abuser. You cannot tiptoe enough around them to stop them from being an abuser. You cannot change your language, your demeanor, the fact that you are isolated from all your family and all your friends to stop him from being an abuser because by nature that is who he is.”

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  1. If we knew better
    November 28, 2023

    How would you like men to step up? When noone one cares when women abuse men. Whether physically, mentally and emotionally.

  2. November 25, 2023

    Hello and good morning my people. Well Miss Delia Cuffy Weekes I see your maiden name is Cuffy but you look so much like my mother who’s a Cuffy from Laplaine. Am wondering if you are related to the Cuffy from Laplaine,Boetica and Morne Jaune .

    It’s terrible for anyone to be in such a relationship because both men and woman engages in such behavior. My advice is to just cut off the relationship and move on.

  3. Zandoli
    November 25, 2023

    Women having children by multiple men and the ramifications thereafter is a more complex issue than how it is addressed by the writer.
    Nobody is suggesting women should only have sex after marriage. But women need to protect themselves against unwanted pregnancy. That requires discussion in the home and education in school where the subject is part of the curriculum. We cannot treat sex as a taboo subject thinking it will not happen if we pretend it does not exist.
    Also as part of the curriculum, girls must be taught that if the man does not make a solid commitment to you by way of marriage, do not risk pregnancy by that man. If he is not husband material, make sure he wears a condum both to protect against pregnancy and disease.
    Also they must be taught not to ignore the red flags and make excuses for bad behavior. If early in the relationship the man displays unsavory behavior, you must terminate that relationship.
    Empowering women means educating women and men.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 11 Thumb down 1
    • Roger Burnett
      November 25, 2023

      On the subject of sex education, my good friend, the Dominican poet Kamarsha Sylvester, has written a poem that offers timely advice to young women. When she read at a poetry reading I attended, it brought the house down.

      Its title: “Vagina Don’t Come Cheap”!

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 5 Thumb down 1
  4. November 24, 2023

    In which industry in Dominica are men offered higher salary than women? Weeks stop with your misinformation and wickedness. Violence against any individual, male, female, old or young should not be encouraged or supported. Men must refrain from supporting this woman supremacy movement under the guise of protecting violence against women. Strangely enough these same people will encourage women to commit abortions….

    • November 26, 2023

      correction…..preventing violence against women…

  5. SIA
    November 24, 2023

    If she is so concerned about the well being of women, she should put her efforts into condemning the high rate of child s3xual offenses and ask for a s3x offenders list to be publicly punished. We even have a Haitian national who molested a child and he was given a slap on the wrist in court and his identity was also withheld.

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  6. MAN
    November 24, 2023

    What about violence against Men, don’t you think it happens Mrs. Cuffy-Weekes

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 10 Thumb down 2
  7. Lin clown
    November 24, 2023

    Hypocrisy at it’s best,when women are abused by members of her party(UWP) it is ok.When it is done by other people it is wrong.Abuse is abuse whether it is done by women abusing men or men abusing women it is WRONG.There are several cases in Dominica of women leaving children in the care of men and disappearing.Human rights advocate my foot Mrs.Jesma-Paul Victor is a human being.The way the woman writing is like men abusing women and women not abusing men.She is feeling bad,she did not address the abuse of Mrs.Jesma-Paul Victor on q95 by UWP and the media whore.Hypocrite.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 6 Thumb down 13
  8. Character
    November 24, 2023

    I am not for domestic violence in no way. but you mentioned if men dont step up and take care of their children women will end up in another abusive relationship? Nah, this needs clarity. If women keep choosing abusive men and the wrong type of men (most women aware of certain men capable of such) these things will happen. All men are not to be blame for that. women free to make choices. I dont like domestic violence. Also, this is not 1960s, and 70s era there are alots of women in this era getting high paying decent jobs grauduating with degrees which is a good thing.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 3
    • hmm
      November 24, 2023

      Women who make bad choices in men usually do so because they had poor examples of male figures growing up. You don’t usually see the christian girl who grew up with both parents in a house where they are taught love and discipline go after those type of men. It’s mostly the women who grew up without a father in the home, or if the father was there he was violent and abusive which is why women end up going after men like that because they are looking for their father in those men.

      And on a side note, the career woman thing sounds all well and good untill you realize that a lot of these women end up getting to their 40s, childless and unhappy because they spent their whole life chasing after career and money only to prove something to society, ignoring their natural desire as a woman to bear and raise children.

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