Prime Minister, Roosevelt Skerrit, has revealed it will cost about US$220-million to build an international airport in Dominica.
He was speaking at a National Consultation on Monday, April 24th 2017 at the State House Conference Centre under the theme ‘Development Prospects for Dominica within the context of the Citizenship By Investment Program (CBI) as a platform for Raising the Funds Necessary to Finance Development Activities.’
“The projected cost of it, everything included, except for land acquisition, a complete terminal and all the necessary components of an airport would be in the region of about US$220-million,” he stated. “That is the cost of the airport as being proposed.”
Skerrit pointed to “creative” ways in which the project will be funded since no bank will give out that kind of money.
“The intention of the government is to set up an Airport Development Fund and every month allocate from the CBI (Citizenship by Investment Program) funds, a particular percentage that would go to that fund with the view of raising as much money as possible,” he stated. “And we also have some other creative ways that we will articulate to the country at the appropriate time.”
According to the Prime Minister, last year the government engaged a firm to do a feasibility study on the possibility of an international airport for Dominica and to advise on the best-suited site.
He stated that although the best site identified was in the vicinity of Ross University in Portsmouth, the experts found a site close to Woodfordhill.
“Close to where Dame Eugenia Charles had identified, not the precise location, but certainly in that locality,” he stated.
Skerrit noted that experts with the firm have been doing a number of studies “quietly” over the past six months and reported back to the government on April 20 on the best site that will minimize dislocation and other things.
“We will be looking at a runway of 2,500 meters in length and associated accompaniments,” he noted.
Skerrit said the decision will be taken this week to commission additional studies such as an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and soil studies, “to better inform us of the type of soil that we are dealing with on that particular site.”
“Once we get back the EIA, we get back the further studies of the soil, then the intention is to move to the design phase so that we can come back to the country in a more comprehensive consultation like this including one in the Woodfordhill area to present this proposal to the people of the country, to our citizens and to get your views, your suggestions on the international airport and how do you believe we will go about constructing this airport,” he noted.
Over the last 16 years, Skerrit, his ministers and supporters have given so many quote as to how much this airport will cost, that i am wondering if at all they have indeed given any real thought to building this airport
As Nike says ” Just Do It”
Following a visit to China Skerritt told the nation that he had signed an agreement with some entity for $300 million US dollars which was to go towards the building of the Princess Margaret Hospital and an international airport.Where is that money.The Chinese are now funding the new Hospital,so where is Dominica’s contribution from the $300 million?.Now Skerritt says he is going to set up a fund for the construction of the international airport expected to cost $220 million US.He has said that money from the CBI program will be apportioned annually towards the airport project.Where is the portion of the $300 million that is to go towards the said airport.If it walks like a duck,and quacks like a duck it’s a duck.
Having fooled the Dominican masses over the past sixteen years, Skerrit and his Ministers are now deluding themselves and perhaps are not even aware of it. How can one provide the cost of building an airport without first doing a design? It is difficult to believe that an international airport would cost only US$220 million today. Skerrit must ask Ralph how much it cost St Vincent to build their 2 month old airport. But he won’t because he is not going to build any international airport. He is delusional.
Why are you so negative towards the prime minister, if you have nothing better to do with your stupid, find something useful to do. Ash like you are just running down your country. maby you are saying all this nonsense, because you have not received any common sense from the almighty God, the only reason I you’re thinking like you are because you haven’t learned any things from your school days. go and find something constructive to do.
When the airport, is completed, you will still be negative. I’m sure you don’t pay any income tax
Mr. Prime Minister, my best knowledge I would offer is to get a developer list the land for them for a Hundred-Years and collect all the taxes and let them run the airport. That’s the faster way of geting this airport build, or offer a 50-years tax free for all materials for the soul purpose of building the airport. This airport can be build without the government put a cent. Then the Government can used that money and build a high-way leading to the airport with tolls.
One thing dominicans know now for sure is ,Whenever we hear of international airport, you know elections is round the corner,
Jealousy sey met sort zor tow machastey.
Bring on the airport
You think airport falling from the sky like rain falls in Dominica?Examine the facts and information presented before bleating like a sheep.Once one sheep says beeehhhh,others just repeat
At de appropriate time. ….that is a koolwosh!!!!!!!
Skerrit all ah we not Sot and we not boo boo!
What happened to the MOU de Americans had to present on the 21st?
This is some smelly horse t!
A very cheap airport one we could have had already…… 2264 passports sold in 5 years at a minimum cost of 150 000 thats 900 million EC, We spent 200 plus million on melville hall, we spent half the money for an international airport on meleville hall? backward thinking indeed
they making a box culvert and that costing 1 million so an international going and cost 220 million… if dominicans are tebeah i not a dominican
Further studies of the soil? Surveys done secretely? All you I must laugh. Now somebody tell me where is that location close to Ross University. Is where Silver Beach is suppose to be?
Notice he deliberate did not say Point Round. Hmmmm.
The man is an inveterate liar. So I ask a minister friend a question about that so call survey and that friend told me that only Skerrit know about that survey. Take note that not one other member of the cabinet talks about that airport and the survey. Now that Lang Mama point that out they are going to come out like puppets.
Foreign consultantstudents come to Dominica to do a survey -for sure they would need the guidance and support of the local technocrats. So how could that be a secrete. I suspect they used night vision aid to do the surveys and some soukoyan to provide light when needed. The soukoyan in Kingshill must have been on NEP all night
I will believe when I actually SEE an airport. SO LONG allu building airport? So long?
Well do something to help nah???/ Instead of sitting on your ars**e and criticize?
Dear PM
I do not understand this statement.
“He stated that although the best site identified was in the vicinity of Ross University in Portsmouth, the experts found a site close to Woodfordhill.”
If the best site was located in the vicinity of Ross University, why build in woodfordill?
How can you give the green light to proceed with plans for the airport before you commission the EIA. EIA means Environmental Impact Assessment. An EIA can determine that the site is unsuitable for the airport. Furthermore the EIA has to determine what mitigation measures must be taken to safeguard the environment. So on what basis is the cost of the project determined. This international airport talk is just another big fat lie. Elections must be coming for real
Everything about this int’l airport is good news. Everything cost money. Broadminded and sensible people should know that It may eventually cost more.
When it is completed, those who will benefit more from it are residents who reside in close proximity of it. You will not have to travel far just as for the present airport.
Today, the cost will be higher If this airport was built at the time of Dame Eugenia Charles, know that it would have cost less and would have been completed by now.
You UWP supporters and critics know who caused that, James. Therefore, cease your criticisms and let it be. Give it your blessings.
true say… Its time. Dominica backward to much…
Let The Truth Be Known. Why would anyone want to live close to an airport. Do you have any comprehension of the noise that jet engines create. You also talk about travelling far to get to the airport. Given the relative
size of DA that should not be a problem.
So where all the labourers that said we do not need an int. Airport. Why are they not saying so to the PM.
Please read and don’t be mislead, the PM stated clearly that 220M US is the cost without the land acquisition, completed terminal and the different components of an airport. So it will be more than 220M. And before you start to bash and say this and that about the PM and Gov, this is a presentation of the findings , and at this point they have a feasible plan. As they said, you can’t borrow this money from a bank so let them find a way to fund this without breaking the back of the economy. If you have a problem with it, present a solution yourself
If I wuzz Gregor Naassief I would retract my comments of October 2014 when I said that
“Dominica’s international airport would cost approximately ec$1 billion and the key metrics of hotel rooms and visitor arrivals are not nearly where they need to be …………..”
those guys like gregor cannot open their mouth after the GOD has spoken, they dont want to contradict him.
Mr Nassief is still correct!
Once the location for the airport is determined beyond a shadow of doubt, the EIA and soil test must be done. The cost of the studies are invariable factored into the overall cost of the airport. Once we have all this done and there is a “GO” all Dominicans should rally together for its success. The Partners ?
the Russian Ministry of Defense & civil Aviation Ministry could build a runway at one blink; I would request assistance from Moscow for all earth Movement and building the runway, apron, taxi-way and the Tower. they would bring in all the heavy equipment. Prime Minister please take a delegation to Russia
Completely furnished terminal building, Buildings for Fire Service and triage wing.
Navigation equipment and tower equipment;
Security equipment and other instrumentation
Lighting and renewable energy fixtures,
Approach it that way but please PM do approach RUSSIA. Your success rate with them…
PM with Russian development assistance Your success rate with Russia will be very, very high.
@Sylvester Cadette – Why would his success rate with Russia be very, very high?
Is it because he named his son Dimitri?
Is it because he appears to mirroring ‘certain’ Putin-like traits on how to run a country?
And if the Russians were to come, what would they want from Dominica? I’m sure you know that nothing is truly free on this earth.
I like that, as development makes for strange bed fellows (just as politics).
There is a popular saying, “is better to be thought of as fool, then to open your mouth and remove all doubts.” I would like to change that saying, “it is better to be thought of as a liar, then to open your mouth and remove all doubts.” Remember when the general secretary of the union asked the government, to use some of the CBI money to pay the salary increases. He was told that this could not happen, because the CBI money wasn’t a permanent source of money and no one knows whether in a couple of years from now, passports might not be sold, but the workers still have to get their money, according to the agreement. Today I heard on radio, “the intension of the Government is to set up an Airport Development Fund and every month allocate from the CBI program funds, a particular percentage that would go to the fund.” Is the government now saying, the CBI program will last much longer then anticipated, if so, pay the workers their increases, they deserve every penny.
I have repeatedly heard that the Gov’t has been advised by various monetary institutions that the CBI funds should not be used for recurring expenditure e.g. Paying of salaries. They can of course use it to do that but this would be going advice that they have been given.
As if I fed up with Mr. wi.
Need to focus on creating more jobs for all (Agriculture, attracting more colleges or trade schools to the country). It would be great to have a jet capable airport in DA, but the reality is, DA can not afford a USD $200+ million dollar airport anytime soon.
Chupes, Skerrit can’t build a hotel or an abbatoir, is international airport he can build

Dominica is on its way to get its JET AIRPORT and that’s the reality. The English Language is difficult for some of us or we are just downright wickedly stupid and anti development. The PM said that the USM$22O DOESN’T include the cost of LAND ACQUISITION . This will be quite exorbitant in addition to the Soil tests and Environment Impact Assessment Study’s costings.
We are too quick to shoot down progress but the significant majority are stoutly behind this progressive government . Am so happy to see the light and the UWP should be ashamed of their unpatriotic conduct.
EDDO must write CBI to stop our Airport . Wesleyfordhill get ready . People join the DLP because they’re working and leave TEAM CONFUSION and violence .
You must be from the blind bunch with no memory either.
Are you forgetting who brought Mr Gonsalves to these shores to tell us that we didnt need an international airport?
An airport site has been identified over 30 years ago yet here we are today still searching this small island for possible sites?
You must forget the complete u-turns of statement and policy this fool makes, not to mention the outright lies in general spouted at his behest. This man has turned Dominicans into shameless beggars for the whole world to see apart from they themselves. It will only be when his criminal enterprise is brought to a halt that the zombies in Dominica will wake up. He has turned so many into fools
You think airport falling from the sky like rain falls in Dominica?Examine the facts and information presented before bleating like a sheep.Once one sheep says beeehhhh,others just repeat
the Govornment said. We will be looking at a runway of 2,500 meters in length and associated accompaniments. short RUNWAY, Argyle international airport almost 10 thousand ft., and you want to build 8 thousand ft., the math’s not adding up sir…
So, you all don’t know Roosevelt is crazy; the man is delusional, he does not have any cognitive thinking power, he does not have the ability to think cognitively! He has a very shallow, and small mind. To him he believes that the crap he is talking to be the best alternative.
Let him build a two thousand feet runway, it will become the same as the crap he spent more than half of a billion dollars on and called it Douglas-Charles.
That boy is a sick specimen!
OK so he will build one almost 10,100 ft. Grow up ‘shame” I suppose that you are one who was crying for a tunnel under Morne Daniel, because St. Lucia built one out of Castries. Well, the tunnel wasn’t built either.
Guy what are you saying, are you stupid or what?
There are two Airports in St, Lucia! There is a Municipal Airport in Castries, that is where LIAT and such aircrafts are allowed to land except if there is an emergency, they have to get permission to land at the International Airport. I had an experience like that flying from Puerto Rico on American Eagle when they overfly Dominica to St. Lucia, there was an emergency, hence they were diverted to Vie Fort, note: Once we landed the passengers could not disembark.
When the issue was resolved, American Eagle took off and landed in Castries. Where LIAT was waiting on me and my daughter Makeba, who were the only people traveling to Dominica on that flight!
There is also Vie Fort International Airport which was left after World War II, that International Airport has the longest runway in the Caribbean as far as I know. People should not talk garbage when they do not know the subject!
That is because the site is unsuitable for anything longer but skerrit is determined not to use the site purchased by the previous government.
Hold on – so you are saying that the Gov’t already has land that can facilitate a longer runway? Even if he wanted to build it up to 2500 m (if that is sufficient for international aircraft landings) why not use the site that is already in the Gov’t’s possession?
That would be a bit irresponsible to acquire a new site? Does not make sense to me?
What a thing to tell the king.
How does Skerrit sleep at night?
It have to be with one eye close and one open.
We need a lot of prays in Dominica
Lord have mercy on us.
If a little bridge over the Roseau River cost $18 million and de Chinese Hospital cost $100 million, how de hell an international airport going to cost US$220 million in de terrain of Dominica? In 1983 de Grenada International Airport cost that amount on relatively flat land with free Cuban labor.
Skerrit somebody dupe you garcon.
Where was UWP at the consultation? Those guys had an opportunity to nail Skerrit and they boycott. Dominican politics is pure pappyshow. Uwp had a chance to with wide media coverage and they stay on Q95? Mr. Gregoire you might have to make these guys pay for air time.
So true. Airport ain’t gonna get built.
does skerrit answer any questions from the opposition.. does skerrit give reasoning or explanation for anything?.. its none of our damn buisness.. do you remember.. so them being there or not would change nothing.. skerrit running HIS country how he please
i’m pretty sure you saw that it was quoted is US dollars… But is blind allu blind to development so you wont see the US dollar sign before the figure.. smh..
Look at your eyes you look like a man who cannot sleep. Go take a few Valium.
I don’t know if you know but you have lost all credibility with independent and right thinking Dominicans. Go tell your crap to laborites who will accept all foolishness you spew.
Gason ou pa las mantie?
Another Caribbean island will spend big bucks to have its own international airport, this time Dominica, after Argyle International Airport (AIA) was just opened in February on St. Vincent, and BVI (British Virgin Islands) have given the go ahead to extend the Terrance B. Lettsome International Airport on Beef Island from 4,45 feet to 7,100 feet at a cost of $153M to allow B737 and A320 aircraft to fly to the BVI direct from the USA and Canada.
Now, every island has an international airport in the Caribbean, many are sadly under utilized, very quiet by day. Now, the role of local regional LIAT has to be re-evaluated as it once was the feeder for connecting international flights in and out of Barbados and Antigua for many of the islands, and now they will all one day have direct flights to North America and some even Europe, the only need for LIAT is intra-Eastern Caribbean flying, which can be done by any newly established airline in the Eastern Caribbean.
This puts LIAT\’s…
Thomas, unless you have a personal interest in LIAT, you need to be quiet and not mention that nonsense! Many of us knows the origin of LIAT; we saw it in the days when it went from a single Engine Piper on the island of Montserrat, around 1958/1959 to what it is today.
From its inspection it was never a profitable entity, that is why the governments of the Caribbean took it over from the original owners. To suggest that there should be an evaluation of LIAT is hogwash, LIAT should long make its exist on the trash heap of history!
There are many different factors why air travel to the some International Airports in the Caribbean are limited. One of the problem is that it is very expensive to vacation in the Caribbean, I travel across the United States and Canada.It is my choice not to sleep in any cheap hotel on the road, nevertheless, if I wish I can get a room for less than a hundred dollars per night.
Name me one hotel in the Caribbean where you can sleep for a hundred U…
Name me one hotel in the Caribbean where you can sleep for a hundred U. S . dollars pre night, or EC$270.00 per night! The last time I overnight in Antigua traveling to Dominica, it cost me more than three hundred East Caribbean currency to sleep in a so called hotel where I saw rats as large as cats, in St. Johns! Take Las Vegas, millions of people from all over the world monthly, there is a reason for that.
Hotel rooms a cheap, and there is plenty to do even if one does not wish to gamble! In any event, Dominica will never get an International Airport as long as Roosevelt Skerrit is alive, and is prime minister of the country, as a matter of fact as long as there is a labor party in Dominica the country is doomed, and will never see the building of an International Airport!
LIAT? Tomaso, who else is thinking about how it will affect LIAT? Does LIAT think about whom it affects?
We trust in yo Fr. Skerrit! We know you have the vision to lead us forward and yes, you MUST GO forward. Keep working hard – we all benefit from the CBI
“Voice of The South”
Forward in Poverty.
Very interesting!! feasibility study is ongoing in terms of its location, soil explorations etc but the P.M is saying that it will cost 220 U.S million. How is that possible sir? A house that is built on sloping ground as opposed to flat terrain can and will never cost the same. Skerrit stop fooling Dominicans. There are so many parameters that must be factored before a final value is established to include volume of excavation, retaining structures, mitigation against environmental issues, physical structures to include ambulance service, wear houses, office space, parking areas, landscaping,road access improvement to the proposed site and so much more. I find it immature for skerrit to provide a figure when the major expenditure drivers are not established. Wow what a country we live in but God bless the wise among us!!!! Why is the P.M eye so red? I wonder- Pressure of losing?
If the geothermal power plant was finished, the monthly profit could be used as monthly loan payments to cover the loan for the 1st phase.
Election is near. Apromise is a comfort to a fool. Build the dam thing.
Yes dom in cans I feel sorry for all u
The level of lies and corruption in our beautiful country smothers it in ugliness.
But dno were are your previous stories about that same airport from that same prime minister every year a different story wtf
The day Argyle experiences a downpour such as the one which overflowed the George Charles Airport runway and half of that runway ends up washed into the sea, we are going to appreciate the real power of nature.
Dominicans have seen and felt such power, and still a runway across a valley or ghaut is being considered? Last year the river at Melville Hall burst its banks – think of two or three rivers worth of that amount of water pushing SIDEWAYS on the airport buildings and runway, as it will at Argyle.
At Argyle the drains under the runway are already partially blocked.
Another factor to consider is sea rise from global warming – said to be as much as 30 feet. Build another airport like Argyle, and Dominica will be looking for another two Billion dollars (in future money) to replace all three on the coastlines that are under water (George Charles, Canefield and this new one).
But it’s not MY money, so go ahead, nah worry, mon.
Why is the name of the firm so secret? Why not make it public? What’s so secretive about the name of that firm? I don’t get it. I must admit that after reading this story, I see more realistic transparency in this report, even though it has the usual pre-election propaganda attached to it.
“He stated that although the best site identified was in the vicinity of Ross University in Portsmouth, the experts found a site close to Woodfordhill.”
That being the case, why is the best site not chosen? Guess we will have to wait explanation/reasons when the final report is made public.
What is the purpose of constantly lying to the masses? What glory do you and the rest of the boys obtain by lying in plain Black and White to us?
“The projected cost of it, everything included, except for land acquisition, a complete terminal and all the necessary components of an airport would be in the region of about US$220-million,” he stated. “That is the cost of the airport as being proposed.”
If the cost of land is excluded from the final cost, how can you state that its US$220-million not including land?
I guess the Build Own Operate and Transfer or BOOT as you bragged about during your last China-Trip was yet another election ploy. You should never stop lying to the fools who constantly elect you.
Why Skerrit feeling pressured now to build and Int’l Airport nuh?..I mean how many passports would have to be sold really to make at least US$220M?
Thing men do to save face..
Act busy
Tell Lies
Give False Hope
Stroke Large Egos..
Father time a go tell!!
so the renovation of melville hall cost more than this proposed new airport. i wonder if is in pie playing field he going and put it.
the studies were done already, just stop being stubborn and do what is right… it cannot go next to your properties in possie, cannot go in trafalgar or beauboir or even in pie for a matter of fact,.,,. someting wong
Pm stop wasting money for the young ppl walking the street u are paying saying on special program and build the airport them they will get job there
Mister them BSing the people of Dominica all the time and the Media such as DNO is facilitating this BS. The media is always hiding behind the suggestion that the opportunity is not given them to asked question – well do the correct thing stay away from those one sided press conferences. Make you all position clear that if questions are not being allowed then we will not accept the invitation – nonsense that now. But when given a chance to ask questions most of them stay mute – I followed many press conferences and the media either lack asking pertinent and burning questions or they just shy away period. Garcon what a country.
Skeritt the next time you have gabbage to dispose of, wait for solid waste truck in Vielle Case and spread it all over. your voters will be happy for horse manure.
CBI money can to any but pay government employees? and those stupid dumbincans will agree with that!!
Airport/Hospitals/Road Rehabilitation/Bridges Infrastructure Rehabilitation/Education/Technology/Jobs….etc.) — All of these expenditures could be funded by CBI – if CBI is disbursed accordingly —
The Minister of Tourism said a few months ago, “we have the money for the international airport, but i cannot say publicly what amount”.Today skerrite is saying he’ll put some money aside from the CBI every month to fund his airport. Waiting for the next story.
If the best site was in the vicinity of Portsmouth then the airport should be built there. It will help to fill all the rooms in the hotels being built in that area and provide easier access to Ross and the north. That’s the perfect location for an airport!
Man get the hell out of my computer screen…You have brought Dominica to an all time low.
Somebody smoke something!!
You couldn’t even read the length of the runway in the video-cast played back to nation. Such is your lack of knowledge of what you were trying to say that you described the 2500 meters length as the (width). Please play back the video-cast and listen to the compulsive lier again.
You have it in your bank account. Pass it.
Sir, I Have news for you, dumbness is in the minority in this country, seventeen years of tricks and lies is just for a few. It’s very basic primary school level education, you don’t have a site, no studies, no plan but a detail cost of the project! Get real
IT’s time…L.I.A.T leave me on ground again for Easter…… :
Doh worry with him … it appears that by all means he needs the CBI. His friends making a mint of money and the government getting the rest.
Everything is a ploy to keep the CBI. Dear Lord, I really wonder why.
Keep praying people. He have more to day cla way for us.
Scare-it thinks he’s teaching a 1st grade class of stupid students. Hey scare-it, when are you going to build a Rail way station in Dominica? Can’t wait to see you pull off these miracles. Your time is up, buddy. Get going/moving.
God bless my pm we know it won’t be easy but we stand with u.
DLP followers are really like sheep, because a few years ago Skerritt said that Dominica did not need an International Airport, all of them repeated the same thing, applauding, now that he is trying to pull a jombi out of a hat and lying that he has a US firm coming to do a study to build an airport, the same DLP people are now saying yes we need one. Make-up your own minds people!
My people , if you don\’t stand for something , you will fall for anything and Skerro has seen that by giving DLP followers the same cool-aid in different cups everyday. Sad!
Well, if it is costing only US$220,000,000.00 which is an equivalent to EC$594,000,000.00; you should jump at it; and consider that price a bargain; with the knowledge that the recently completed, Argyle International Airport in St. Vincent belonging to your master Ralph who told you Dominica do not need an International Airport, cost St. Vincent over seven hundred million dollars to build!
Roosevelt, the new terminal at Antigua International Airport cost more than a hundred million dollars, you are lucky to be quoting less than the billion dollars you told the people of Marigot it would cost to build a new airport! Now a billion is ten hundred million dollars. So, which of your two estimates are true, and which is a lie?
One day you said one billion, today your estimate seems like almost four hundred million dollars less, so which of the two estimates are true, which is the lie?
We would of had our international airport longgggg ago and the best way to, FOR FREE if it wasn’t for the stupid wicked UWP party. Uwp the worst thing that ever happen to Dominica.
You are so dumb, you are so Stupid! Who promised you a free International Airport in Dominica?
Name your source, name who made you that promise; no wonder you have no name, liars always hide behind a bogus fictitious hogwash phony name.
If Dominica ever had a chance of getting a free airport, that dates back to World War II, about the same time when America and the British build Airports in Guantanamo in Cuba, Antigua, Puerto Rico, Barbados, St. Lucia, Trinidad, and the then British Guiana (now Guyana).
The reason they built them there were for the islands including Dominica were considered to be strategically located, and were used as base to combat Germany during the war. Right where Melville Hall Airport built was the location chosen by the Americans to the free airport. Because Dominicans are so thief, the money sent to Dominica always finished before any got done.
Hence the war ended; all the airports on the island mentioned got completed, except the one in great…
@ Fransisco, shut that dirty stupid mouth you are working hard to convince your brainless supporters because you think Lennox might have a chance of becoming prime minister and you will be on the paylist, well if that socall Workers ? party wins any more general elections​ in Dominica i will secretly be paying you myself you ediot…….?
Man bite dog, shut up, just shut up, I quit the job market; retired when I was 47 years old, and since then have not regretted that. I do not need a job okay, and never will for the rest of my life.
I never one single day of my life thought of serving in government in Dominica! I’ve never even once thought that if Lennox becomes Prime Minister of Dominica, I could benefit anything from his success. I doubt if Lennox becomes prime minister of Dominica he will have time to remember my name, never mind offer me a job!
But I am sure if he wins you will turn coat, and have all nice things to say about him to see if he will put you on the paupers pay roll. You see one of the reasons you name is man eat dog when the time comes and you go to beg him for a handout he will not be able to identify you as the dog, who used to bite at his ears while you were kissing up to that corrupted boy Skerrit!
Hence the war ended; all the airports on the island mentioned got completed, except the one in great Dominica, when the war ended, the Allis left them operational on the islands: The one in Vie Port St. Lucia remained redundant for a few years until St. Lucia Government revitalize it in the 1970’s.
They were not built to accommodate jets such as 747’s in the 1930’s there were none, it was not until the late 1950’s the government which inherited them extended, and developed them into International Airports. So, had better stop you lie, you are liar.
Twenty years ago Edison James borrowed money from the Government of Trinidad to build an International Airport between Wesley and Woodford Hill. The land became idle when your dumb labor party chase the contractors out of Dominica, and told the nation “we doh want it because Antigua and Barbados have one already.”
I am calling you or anyone else who say otherwise a liar: prove me wrong, prove me a liat! You all…
“The reason they built them there were for the islands including Dominica were considered to be strategically located, and were used as base to combat Germany during the war. ”
Okay, I screwed up here; is the correction:
The reason they built Airports on the islands including Dominica is because the islands were considered strategically located, and were used as bases to combat Germany during World War II. That came about after the Allis discovered large U-boat (Submarine) activities in the in the Caribbean, and Atlantic oceans.
Let me rub this in your nasty lying face, again one of the reasons ours never got finish is our dumb people say “we doh want American in we country nu, cause they will rape our woman, and put bottle up .. …. ….. I can’t write that, so go on fool yourself with that lie!
“He stated that although the best site identified was in the vicinity of Ross University in Portsmouth, the experts found a site close to Woodfordhill.”
I remember Lennox Hunnychurch posting that site as the best site for an international airport we knew that already…
Mr saying he goin go take some money from the CBI TO to ado to a collection hahahaha boss so u know the amount of passport that have to sell to build that airport? That means more curruption…more Rudolf king…and he rest …. plus the man have all kind of things depending on CBI money…he have toilet…he have red clinic…look he have a welfare for young mothers…Skerite how are u goin to run that country my boi on passport money??? But how is that possible…?dominicans arrest that damn man….that voluntary goin to come lie Brazil. .crimes and more crimes…poverty …and all …get rid of that damn man and his cabinet!!!!!!!!!!!!
That’s good news PM.
This is why i say i don’t support either party if uou recall my last post concerning blog guy you will really see i don’t like either leaders. Couple years ago didn’t all you prime minister sau he had funding for this airport ? He went and waste all that money in Melvin hall now he talking about back won’t give that can of money! Dominicans open all you eyes with these two leaders they all have their agenda and it have nothing to do with all you poor people.
No Where has he said nor promised to build international airport .
He stated an approx cost .
he disclosed an acclaimed report of studies
he promised that a decision will be taken this week to commission additional studies
He also stated intention to move to design .
He also promised consultation with Dominicans about all other consultations
where allu get that from ein .
since i born, not too many years now, studies , consultations ,photographing , surveying , parwolling about a international airport for DOM IN CANS been going on, now look i have grand chiren lissenning to de same zierre zierre and asking if is true jet plane going to come Dominica .
Well i tell dem awready de day Dominica open international airport i on de first flight going down ..
when de plane land i utterring three words THANK YOU LORD and i never uttering another english word in dominica again. Honess, I promise.
Hahah Dee that was funny. So creole only after landing then?
Yes wee Nonamegal
Dat henglish language has been used to mamaguy us for too long .
So when de international flights start coming in i have to protect de patois by permanent use only.
it more difficult to fool people in patois, de lies not coming out easy ,perfect example
try saying fings like ”for if i fall down ” in patois and see how you have to laugh at yourself if you are a lady .