UPDATE: Police identify man found dead at home in Mero


Ronald Astaphan

Police have officially identified a resident of Mero who was found dead at his home on Tuesday, as businessman Hugo Anthony Ronald Astaphan Jr.

According to Police Inspector Fixton Henderson, on Tuesday 28th November 2023 at about 11:30am Astaphan was found dead on his bed at his home at Cuba Road, Mero. He said the  52-year-old sustained an apparent gunshot wound.

He was examined and pronounced dead by a medical doctor  at the scene.

His body is being kept at a funeral home pending an autopsy.

Henderson said the police investigation into the circumstances surrounding the death of Astaphan, continues and on behalf of the  Commonwealth of Dominica Police Force, extended condolences to the family and friends of the deceased.

Dominica News Online (DNO) also expresses sincere condolences to the family and friends of Astaphan.

Astaphan was the former proprietor of Guiyave restaurant in Roseau which shut down in July, 2021.

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  1. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    December 2, 2023

    His business was a success for quite a number of years! The last time I visited home I went to his restaurant to eat a few times.
    Being hyperglycemic (diabetic) that’s the only place I could have gone to get an almost complete vegetable meal.
    I remember his father Hugo, and uncle Michael, way back in neon when I was a kid, late sister Barbara worked for their parent on Bath Road near to the Roman Catholic Convent. His grandfather operated a Volx Wagon repair shop there.
    His grandfather was the first Astaphan to marry a black woman in Dominica, a village woman.
    As long as Dominica prospered people had money to spend in his restaurant, by the time Roosevelt came on the scene he destroyed people’s business and their very life.
    Roosevelt has caused many Dominicans to sink into depression, resulting in death by suicide.
    Not a good thing to die young!

  2. November 30, 2023

    So sad to here abut that .When ever I visit Dominica I always walk up Cuba road he always stop and talk to me and ask me how was my flight from Washington DC .R I P my friend.

  3. November 30, 2023

    This guy is just talking with baseless facts. I guess he have no time to read just jump and make accusation. One can tell he not very bright always trying to get attention.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 4 Thumb down 0
  4. Putin
    November 30, 2023

    “ADMIN: Your characterization is misleading as you know very well that we have.”

    Admin, since when you know that Ibo cares about being factual? Ibo is all about phantasmagoria, disinformation, and mindbending; this is why no matter how many times you present him with the facts he will neither see nor hear them.

  5. Ibo France
    November 29, 2023

    Sad that murders by gunshot continue unabated. Too many illegal guns and ammunition are in the country. The sad thing is that no prescription is in place, for the last twenty years of this administration, to remedy this perennial complication.

    The citizens are like sitting ducks at the mercy of career criminals who make their living by robbery and are not afraid to kill if met with any resistance.

    I will repeat this as often as is deemed necessary. When the reader of a country is corrupt the whole country becomes corrupt and criminality reigns.

    P.S. DNO most news outlets state the number of homicides committed for the year. Why are you so reluctant to do the same? The more data the citizens get the more informed they become.

    ADMIN: Your characterization is misleading as you know very well that we have: https://dominicanewsonline.com/news/homepage/homepage-carousel/double-homicide-in-roseau-dominicas-homicide-toll-at-14-for-2023/

    We have responded to your misleading assertions repeatedly and yet they persist which is why we no longer do so. However, for those who are unaware please note the following:

    We do seek to provide official statistics. It is our experience that crime and other official statistics are often not readily available in Dominica. In most countries the authorities provide this information when requested or release it publicly on their own.

    We do not rely on our own tallies as there maybe unverified reports or incidents that have not been reported in news media.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 3 Thumb down 7

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