The Chained Mind

The chattel slavery of Africans for over 500 years serves as one of the saddest commentaries on ...

Caressing Culture

Why is it that we wait until our adult lives to realize that our culture is who we are? Though ...

Can you remember yesterday?

Do you remember a time when a child was never just yours but he/she was loved and cared for by ...

Is Jesus the Son of God?

Some sects within Christianity believe that Jesus is not God, yet, they believe that Jesus is ...

Moral sickness in society

Somehow we find ourselves in a society which thinks that the most important source of power – ...

Dishonest politicians

Most politicians of today are dishonest; they lie, steal,cheat, etc, to get elected and do ...

More gay priest scandal in Rome

Dear Editor: I commend the Vicariate of Rome for wanting gay priests out of the closet and out ...

Sex can always wait

So many young  people after leaving high school are too fast to start their family. Some ...